
Sport climbing is an activity whose popularity has been growing a lot in the last years and can be practiced by everybody in safety and provide at the same time great satisfaction.

In Canavese and in the surrounding areas there are lots of cliffs where you can have some fun or improve your technique.

Valle Orco is the best place in Europe for climbing on granite: between Locana and Ceresole Reale climbers can find the best cliffs. The wild environment meets the classic climbing style on granite smooth faces, dihedrals and cracks. The beauty and the peculiarity of some of these walls: Sergent and Caporal are just as good as Californian cliffs in Yosemite Valley.

On the special granite of Traversella, that offers so many routes, every climber can satisfy his itch, but beginners can test their ability on the didactic crag of Frachiamo or the wall in Fiorano Canavese. The choice ranges also from the tempting single-pitch climbs of Montestrutto near Settimo Vittone to the less known routes of Voira near Salto Canavese or those in Soana Valley.


To conclude you can have a look at “La Turna” sport area in Montestrutto – Settimo Vittone, nested in a beautiful natural area, with a vast meadow surrounded by chestnut wood.

Everybody can have a try in climbing the cliffs: thanks to rock configuration many routes have been opened, from the easiest to medium/difficult level.

La Turna also hosts an adventure park completely anchored to the rock, among oak trees, with different difficult levels.


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